Are you a contractor looking for a quicker, more accurate layout? Are you a manufacturer seeking an experienced, qualified layout service? We help General Contractors, Machinery Installers, Machinery Manufacturers, Project Engineers, and Plant Maintenance Supervisors.
We also assist: Suppliers and end users of automated storage and retrieval systems, automated parking garages, material handling and conveyor systems, distribution centers, converting and extrusion systems, as well as any application that requires .001" accuracy for placement of equipment.
PMI has specialized in the converting, extrusion and printing industry since 1975. We continue to expand our applications into commercial and industrial construction providing speed and accuracy that creates positive work flow.
For companies that supply a number of different industries, from automotive to concrete and from printing to drywall, we assist by enabling our clients to run their facilities as streamline as possible, giving them the ability to compete in local, national, or international markets competitively and profitably.